
Friday, April 5, 2013

Queso Blanco Cheese - EASY

We don't use soy in any form here at Heritage Harvest Home(stead).  We have found several recipes that look yummy that use tofu.  Our solution is to substitute Queso Blanco Cheese because it behaves like tofu in recipes.  Queso Blanco Cheese is especially yummy made with our wonderful, nutrient dense goat milk.  Today our goats are going out on pasture for the first time this spring.  We do feed our goats a bit of grain while they are being milked but never use gluten grains.  All our grains are Non-GMO, organic.

Queso Blanco Cheese - EASY RECIPE

  •  Heat 1/2 gallon raw milk (or pasturized if you can't find raw) to 185 degrees.  Stir constantly to avoid scorching.
  • When the temperature reaches 185 degrees, slowly stir in 1/4 cup pure apple cider vinegar or fresh lemon juice.
  • As you pour and stir, you'll see the milk starting to coagulate.  Keep adding a little at a time, and stirring slowly until the milk is completely curdled and you can see the separation of curds and whey.
  • Pour the curds into a colander lined with butter muslin
  • Tie up the four corners of the cloth and hang the bag to drain for a couple of hours or until it stops dripping
  • When the draining stops, you may cut the curd into one-inch cubes or slices and store them in a covered container in the refrigerator.

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