
Sunday, March 24, 2013

Goat Milk is the Best

All you have to do it google it and you will find out why we feel raw goat milk is the best, especially for seniors and others with compromised digestive systems.  Before you fly off about all the deadly bacteria I might be consuming (we've gotten interesting letters from the powers that be), I have to tell you that I've been drinking raw milk (goat and cow) for 30 years.  I drank it every time I visited my Great Aunt and Uncles farm near Clearwater, Nebraska when I was a child.  My children have had it nearly all their lives.  We are all still alive and doing well...........thank you.

We are so blessed to still be able to have our 6 Nubian girls to milk at our age and hope to continue milking them for another 10 years.  We are getting some really great milk from 4 of them so far.

We do have a small amount of milk available.  It IS LEGAL to purchase raw milk IF you come to the farm to pick it up.  We have only a half gallon a day right now so a gallon every two days.  We will have more in two weeks when we wean the 4 meat goat babies.  CONTACT US to purchase some great milk.  We milk with a machine and sell ONLY to people who live in Nebraska.  Please give us at least 3 days notice or select a specific day each week you'd like to come!

Today I'm making some yummy GOAT MILK ICE CREAM in my kitchen along with some Pineapple upside down cup cakes..........Gluten-free of course.  Can anyone say yummmmmmm?

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