
Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Creating Goals for 2013 - Making My 20 Wishes List

According to squidoo dot com, the Top Ten New Year Resolutions are:
1. Stop Smoking
2. Get into a Habit of being Fit
3. Lose Weight
4. Enjoy Life More
5. Quit Drinking
6. Get Organized
7. Learn Something New
8. Get out of Debt
9. Spend More Time With Family
10. Help People

Sound familiar?

Most of the goals we create are not measurable.

Some of our goals are to much weight, how much time?
Sometimes a blanket statement of a goal is doable and sometimes it's just to overwhelming.

To make your goals achievable try focusing on something you can have.  This makes it a lot easier and more fun.

Whenever someone is “stopping” or “losing” I wonder, so what will you start or gain? Try focusing on something you can have. This makes it a lot easier and more fun.

Vague Goals should be more defined.

What does it mean to “get organized"? Does it mean clean out a room? Create a bookkeeping system? Or learn to make lists?

Are your Goals to Big?

For example, if “get organized” means setting up  a bookkeeping system, perhaps your first move should be to decide the type of system you will use and learn to use it. Maybe you really mean setting up a proper budget so you should research that before you start.

When writing goals, be sure to:

1. Make them achievable
2. Make them positive and fun
3. Define your goals as much as possible

I am creating a "Growing Me" Goals for 2013

I've decided to create a list of what I am calling my 20 Wishes List.  All of these 'Goals' will be things that make me a better me, not that it's 'about me' but that I'm a better me towards others.  A few of my 'wishes' are below as an example.  Note that I've given ideas on the definition of the wish and thoughts on how to achieve it.

1. Host A Tea Once A Month
Once each month, I want to invite seven guests to the farm or house for tea, an encouraging word and herb a class complete with crafts.   I want to try to have some different people at each tea.
2. Join and/or become faithful to a Local Gardening Or Hobby Group
I haven’t decided which one yet - but 2013 needs to be a year that I become involved in a local community group. Whether it be a local gardening club, Knitting Group, Quilt Group or whatever – I want to get involved and learn more from others.

3.  Eat more low carb meals.
The purpose of this goal is to reduce my carbs so that I can reduce or remove certain medications I'm currently taking.  Note to self:  Study low carb meals and make weekly menu plans accordingly.

You get the idea. For more ideas see our ACT OF KINDNESS post


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