
Thursday, June 20, 2013

Lemon Lavender Soda

  • pick around five or six lavender flowers, leaving a few inches of stem with leaves on each.
  • make a simple syrup by bringing two cups of water to a boil, and adding 1/2 cup of honey.  Taste, to see if you want it sweeter and if you do add more honey.
  • Add the lavender flowers and the zest of half a lemon to the syrup, turn off the heat. Let the flowers steep for 10-20 minutes, depending on how floral you want your soda. Strain.
  • Pour one or two inches of the syrup into a glass, add ice, club soda, and the juice of at least half a lemon. 
  • Enjoy!  (the syrup may be refrigerated for up to a week if it lasts that long)

Saving the Harvest - Green Smoothies - Kale

Today we are saving the harvest with KALE!  Kale is a wonderful vegetable with huge health benefits so adding it to your morning routine is bound to give you a healthy boost!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Gardening with a Baby

I have to admit there were years where I didn't garden.  Those years were when my children were under 2 years old.  It was just to busy of a time.  Now that I'm in the over 60 crowd I never in a million  years thought I'd have a baby when I planted this huge garden (size of two city lots).  Then three weeks ago our 6 month old granddaughter, Gabriella Nicole (Gabby), joined us.  What to do?  Well we've hired a helper and need to hire another one, but Gabby does enjoy going to the garden for short periods of time.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

No Garden? You Can Still Preserve the Harvest!

Don't have a garden?  You can still preserve the harvest!  Buy all you can from your local farmer (Have you taken the 30 day 100 Mile Challenge?) and farmers markets, then preserve your bounty for later!

For freezing you will need some necessary equipment:

  • Baking Sheets
  • Freezing Bags
  • Stock Pot
  • Knives and good Cutting Board
  • Pots to boil water and bowls for cold water to shock before freezing
  • Freezer space.
We will cover other methods of food storage in later posts.

Today we are working on some Asparagus.  It is almost time for the Asparagus to disappear from your farmers offerings so better hurry because this is last minute.